Cosgrove Completed Projects
here you will find a selection of our completed projects

Meridian Court
The re-development of existing 4 storey offices into 9 homeless family accommodation…

St Mairs
Complete refurbishment and construction of first floor extension to existing community Hub…

Dyfrig House
Provision of 21 Nr bedroom with en-suites and staff room, managers office, lounge/kitchen/diner, communal activity area, interview room and reception area…

The Arc centre
The scheme comprised the construction of a Mental Health Resource Centre together with drainage and external site works…

Former Canton Police Station
Demolition of existing police station buildings, followed by design & build of new flats…

The site offered many challenges as it was on the corner of a busy road in the middle of a residential area…

Former Oakdale Hotel
Conversion and full refurbishment of existing public house into 9 apartments with communal areas and construction…